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Aus Gewohnheitsgründen ist der Rest der Webseite auf Englisch.

Baby PWN (beginner, binary exploitation)

You can connect to a service running the binary using nc ctf.informatik.sexy 12900
Can you extract the flag?

Encrypted Image (easy, crypto/forensics)

We encrypted an image with this simple python script. Unfortunately we lost the encryption key. Maybe you can recover our information from the encrypted message?

Codebreaker 1.0 (easy, stego)

We like to keep our secrets protected, can you find the flag?

RSA 1.0 (hard, crypto)

My friend said RSA is relatively easy, so I send him the same message two times with a different modulus and public key so he has a fighting chance.
My encryption is unbreakable.

Baby PWN 2.0 (hard, binary exploitation)

You are given the binary of baby-pwn. Can you manage to read the file ./flag.txt?
The service is the same: nc ctf.informatik.sexy 12900

Flag submission

You found a flag? You can enter it here to see if it is correct.
Flag Format: nland{.*}